12. April 2011

DBVisualizer: ERROR: column c.reltriggers does not exist

DBVisualizer is one of my favourite database development tools because it's plattform and database independent and is really intuitive.

Since I updated my PostgreSQL Database Instance to V9 I get an error in DBVisualizer due to missing relations in the database.

It is possible to edit the statements DBVisualizer executes for displaying tables and data. Go to the Application folder and Right-Click on the DBVisualizer.app and Choose "Show package contents":

Then step down to the following directory

Now open the postgresql8.xml file and search and replace:

Search: (c.reltriggers > 0)
Replace: (/*c.reltriggers*/ 0 > 0)

Save and close the file. After a restart of the DBVisualizer everything should work fine.

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